Stickie Notes

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So, I Suck! (And not in a good way)

I’ve been very bad at this keeping this blog updated. I’ve been totally into Flickr and that’s not too good (it’s completely addictive, seriously addictive). At least I’m able to post to Flickr way more often than I am to this blog.

Maybe I should shut this down.

Ahh, I can’t.

No, definitely can’t.

Other News (At First I Was Afraid, I Was Petrified):

I’m going white-water rafting this Friday. Whoopee!!!

I’ve never been before; it’s going to be a blast!

Krista, a friend from work, and her bf, Rob, have been going for the past few years, and they asked me to join them this year. So, being the jealous fuck I am (the photos she’d show me would set me off), I totally whole-heartedly agreed to join them this year. It’s going to be a blast!!!

I’m nervous. I don’t know if I can keep up with these guys. I don’t know their friends. I don’t know my way around that part of the country (near Sundre, Alberta). I don’t know if will come back alive.

Krista and I figure that I will survive this trip, with little injury, because I am willingly putting myself into a dangerous situation, similar to the bungee jump experience seven years ago, and I survived that. And when I do seriously hurt myself, it’s when I don’t think I will be in danger, like when I broke my wrist last summer falling down on a beach, for fuck’s sake. How lame was that?

I will update on the rafting trip, I promise.

At least on Flickr.

My Current Favourite Dish: Lee, the “co-op” student at work. He’s got a nice butt and stocky build (which is a major turn on). Plus, we are doing some renovating at work, and there are some cuties wandering around, bending over, climbing ladders, etc. I’m in my element.
Current Addiction: whatshername by Green Day (awesome, awesome song)
In the DVD Player: I’m onto Lord of the Rings again.
On the U2 Special Edition iPod: Right at this moment: “Secretly” by Skunk Anansie, deadly song
On the Tube: 2006 FIFA World Cup Soccer. My favourite team is the Italian team, those guys are fucking hot. England’s got a good team, Australia was nice, but Italy booted them. Portugal is hot, as is Brazil and Argentina. I think Italy is going to kick ass. I’ll keep watching in High Definition. Big Brother starts in a couple of weeks, but I’m not into it this time around as I have been in the past. Maybe it’s because they are bringing back a bunch of losers that have already been on the show before, and calling an All-Star show. I would rather watch a bunch of strangers trying to live in the house over these turds. Summer is going to suck for TV once the World Cup is over, and there seems to nothing good coming to the theaters or out on video. UGGGHHH!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006


It's been two months since my last post. I've been a bad widdle boi. Spank me.

Here is something to tide you over. Or at least get you over.