Stickie Notes

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

I Hate You All

I'm really, really bitchy today. I don't really know why, other than I hate everyone today. Drivers who don't know how to drive in the snow, managers who don't know what their duties are, annoying closet-case fucks in the cubicle next to me planning his wedding to his beard, executive directors who want sympathy for an illness that they haven't been treating and then coming to work to spread it around and making other people sick.


Oh yeah, and people who stand in the way of me looking at cute boiz. What's up with that???

Thursday, December 01, 2005

I do not know anyone with AIDS or HIV. But as a gay man, of course this is going to affect me.

For all of you who are afflicted with this disease, and to those whose loved ones have been affected by AIDS, I salute you.

For those who don't have it and don't think they will get it, or that this is not important anymore, get educated.

Support World AIDS Day