Stickie Notes

Monday, September 22, 2003

My trip was most excellent. I didn’t think I would like it while I was there. I hated Scotland while I was there, then I loved it after I returned. Same thing with Montreal. But Vegas is my city, I loved every minute I was there. Alas I didn’t gamble much, I only spent $90 in some slots, but didn’t win anything. I didn’t get to go to any of the shows I wanted to see (Seigfred and Roy were on vacation, and didn’t make it any other shows). I really wanted to go to the Chippendales show, but ran out of time. There was just so much to see and do, combined with all the walking we did (about 14 hours every day) I was exhausted every night by 11:30ish (plus I didn’t get much sleep while there, I don’t like sleeping in hotel beds, they suck). The shopping was great, I’m glad I’m not skinnier than I am otherwise I would have spent way too much money in the Armani shop at the Bellagio. It was really hot too, about 38-40 everyday, and the nights didn’t cool down. All the cement and asphalt absorbed the heat during the day and let it out at night. With it being so warm and dry I had nose bleeds everyday. I got some Mardi Gras beads from one casino (the Rio, my favourite), and got my picture taken with a Chippendales dancer (whoa, baby). What a great place for people watching, I was in my element. There were a lot of major cuties down there, I took some photos. I will go back, maybe within the next year or so. I think I may drive down next time.

Friday, September 12, 2003

I remember having being forced to listen to Country Music on the radio when I was a little tike. My father was into Country Music when I was younger. He still likes Country Music, but his tastes have grown to include Folk Music and Good Old Rock and Roll.

My father loved driving the backroads near home, and I would often join him. I didn’t really like Country Music, but that was in the late Seventies and early Eighties when Country Music was still kind of cool. I remember listening and singing along to the songs by Charlie Pride, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Hank Williams Sr. and Jr., Dolly Parton, Crystal Gayle, Barbara Mandrel and her sisters, Marty Robins, and of course John R. Cash.

Even back before I was 10 years old (now 20 years later), I was wondering why Johnny Cash was sooo cool. He seemed to transcend all genres of music I knew of, not just Country, but Blues, Rock, and Folk. Over the years, he fell to the wayside of radioland. I originally thought that he had passed away, not knowing or realizing that he was still around. He had become a legend to me.

I was pleasantly surprised when, in the Nineties, he came back with a vengeance. I had figured out much earlier that, indeed, he was still around, trying to kick his addictions, and that he began recording with American Recordings. He blew my mind. His music was definitely not Country anymore, or Rock for that matter. He was his own genre. The Johnny Cash legend would continue to grow and began to re-infiltrate pop-culture. His video for “Delia’s Gone” even appeared in an episode of Beavis and Butthead.

I began to take an interest in Johnny Cash again, but not to the extent I should have. I was in music-loving limbo for almost the entire Nineties, and I’m still not happy with the current state of the music industry. I was sick of all the boy bands, underclothed girl groups and the multitude of one hit wonders that seemed to fall off the face of the perverbial musical planet (I know it’s been happening all throughout music history, but come on, how long must we, music buying public, be bombarded with crap). I was sick of the teenage punk groups riding on the tails of the Clash, Greenday, the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. I was even disappointed in some of U2’s releases, but loved them anyway because they were from U2 (Cash had worked with U2 on the song “The Wanderer” from the 1993 release “Zooropa”). The Stones are still going strong, tour-wise, but have lost the touch to connect with new, and some older fans. Madonna got married, popped out a couple of kids, and wants to be taken seriously now. She never cared before, she still doesn’t care what people think of her or her music, but she still needs to heard. But, Johnny Cash’s music stood out and he remained a legend to me.

Early this year, I first saw Johnny Cash’s video for “Hurt”, his most excellent cover of the Nine Inch Nails classic. I started crying. That song became Johnny’s property, it owned him. The song alone was his story, and biography almost, at least that’s what it seemed to me. The video, beautifully shot and executed, took my breath away. I knew that Johnny Cash had become ill over the past couple of years, but when I saw him on my television I was blown away by the power this (seemingly) weak, almost crippled looking man still had. I finished watching the video with tears running down my face. I had to know more about this version of the song, the story behind the video, and had to have the album.

Living in a small city, I found it hard to locate a copy of the album, but I did find it eventually. I popped into my CD player immediately and listened to the whole album three times. I was so moved by the pieces selected for this great, underappreciated album. Some songs were covers, but again, Cash made them his. The songs that stand out are the songs penned by Cash, such as; The Man Comes Around, Give My Love to Rose, and Tear Stained Letter.

When I woke up this morning and heard that Johnny Cash had passed away over night, I was saddened by the loss of this legend. I immediately remembered falling in love with the man, his music, and the intrigue and legend. I, for one, will miss him and his music. I know that he had suffered health problems and was missing his best friend and wife, June Carter Cash, after her passing. I am comforted to know that they are now together forever to remain great friends and will continue to make beautiful music wherever they are. I know he was still working on his music and has many recordings left to be printed and released. This great man will be remembered throughout many generations of music lovers for a very long time.

Dad, I thank you for introducing me to Johnny Cash. Johnny, I thank you for being part of my upbringing and childhood. You are the coolest cat that walked this planet.

“I went out searching
Looking for one good man
A spirit who would not bend or break
Who would sit at his father's right hand”

Here’s to you, John R. Cash.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

Morg and I went to the beach on Monday to get some excellent fish and chips, but alas the restaurant was closed for the season. We were so let down, we really wanted to have Butler’s fish and chips, but nnooo it had to be closed. So we had supper at the bar. It was fairly descent, I had the Chicken Burger, Morg had the Tex Mex Burger, he said it was fairly tasty.

I have to find my passport, do laundry, get packed, etc. I haven’t started. My God, I need to get ready for the trip.

I got my photos back from my hike with Morgan this weekend. Some of them turned out okay, but most were either grainy, under/over exposed, or were out of focus. That pissed me off, I thought I got some really cool pix, but they didn’t turn out. Some of the pix were okay, especially of Morg. I don’t think I said this recently, but man is he hot.

My Current Favourite Dish: Jon and Reichen from the Amazing Race (They’re both totally hot and lickable).
Current Addiction: A website with a collection of gay erotic stories (I can’t seem to shake this one quite yet).
In the DVD Player: Mountain Patrol (fairly descent skin flick with the gorgeous Logan Reed, he’s the reason I picked it up)
In the CD Player: Waiting (Tom Lord-Alge Remix) by the Devlins (amazing song from the Six Feet Under soundtrack)
On the Tube: Amazing Race is over (BOOOO), but Survivor starts next week (YEAH).

September 8, 2003

Yesterday, I went for a hike with Morgan. This time we were prepared, we brought some snackies and some water, and cameras. I think I got some really good pix, but I will have to wait until they are developed to see how they turned out. I escaped with a small amount of cuts and bruises, not like the last time. He’s still hurting real bad. Fucking Cunt-Bitch-From-Hell has destroyed him. I tried to get him to start thinking that he should swear off girls forever. He giggled at that (get’s me thinking, hmmmm).

I can’t believe I actually bought the new issue of Maxim. Mariah Carey’s on the cover, eeewww gross. But to counteract the Maxim purchase, I picked up a copy of Attitude and a copy of Instinct. I’m sure the cashier thinks I’m a fence-sitter, rather than a pole-rider, or (shudder) a breeder. The only reason I picked up this particular magazine is for the Las Vegas Unlimited article. I’m leaving on Saturday morning. I can’t wait but I’m a little bit reluctant to go. I don’t have a lot money on me to spend, and I’m not exactly iCandy enough to pimp myself out. Oh well, at least I have a return flight and hotel paid for already.

My Current Favourite Dish: Jon and Reichen from the Amazing Race (They’re both totally hot and lickable).
Current Addiction: A website with a collection of gay erotic stories (I can’t seem to shake this one quite yet).
In the DVD Player: Mountain Patrol (fairly descent skin flick with the gorgeous Logan Reed, he’s the reason I picked it up)
In the CD Player: Waiting (Tom Lord-Alge Remix) by the Devlins (amazing song from the Six Feet Under soundtrack)
On the Tube: Amazing Race is over (BOOOO), but Survivor starts next week (YEAH).

September 5, 2003

So, okay, it’s been almost two months since I’ve updated the global population on what’s up in my tiny little life.

Just a few days after my last post I got both my ears pierced, now I have four piercings; one in my left ear, two in my right ear, and my left eyebrow is pierced. No new tattoos.

At the end of July I was almost fired from my shitty job, so I’ve been bumming around because of that. I wish I had been fired, maybe I would’ve gotten a package.

My best friend, and surrogate brother, has been going through his own crisis. His fiancé left him a month and a half before the wedding, they were supposed to get married towards the end of August. He was devastated, and I’ve been trying to help him when he needs to talk. It’s really hard for me to do this because I have never been in a relationship, and I am still totally in love with the guy. But I’m doing this because he needs to let shite out of his system, and who better to vent at than me, the love of his life (even though he doesn’t yet admit that). Over the last two months he is coming to realize that he is better off without the cunt (Oops, did I say that???).

Halfway through August, my friend Roger asked me to join her and her man on a trip to Vegas. At first I wasn’t sure if it was just for fun or if they were actually going to get married. Well, they are getting married while we’re there. It will be a blast. I’m bringing back pasties for everyone, and hopefully a sugar daddy. I need money for some lap dances. If you got any, send it my way.

My sister’s pregnancy is going fine. She’s not getting sick anymore, and is beginning to show. The baby’s due on February 14th (a Valentine’s baby). I want her to have a boy, but it seems that everyone else wants a girl to pop out.

My Current Favourite Dish: Jon and Reichen from the Amazing Race (They’re both totally hot and lickable).
Current Addiction: A website with a collection of gay erotic stories (I can’t seem to shake this one quite yet).
In the DVD Player: Mountain Patrol (fairly descent skin flick with the gorgeous Logan Reed, he’s the reason I picked it up)
In the CD Player: Hurt by Johnny Cash, and the video was totally robbed at the MTV awards.
On the Tube: Amazing Race is over (BOOOO), but Survivor starts in two weeks (YEAH).