Stickie Notes

Friday, September 09, 2005

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1) make out with Raoul Bova
2) get married
3) get another tattoo
4) fulfill this one erotic fantasy I have about a football player in uniform and me as the towel boy
5) get rid of my debt
6) Own a house
7) Go to Italy

7 things I can do:
1) make a really good spaghetti sauce - it's really good!
2) hold a door open for people
3) spends lots of money
4) pee while erect (and in other situations too)
5) hold a grudge
6) find the humour in almost anything
7) wrap my lips around a pint glass

7 things I cannot do:
1) sing
2) tolerate airheads
3) dance without looking like a total fag
4) ovulate
5) tackle very well (yet)
6) stand on the back of an anteater while it is bucking
7) walk behind slow people

7 movies I like:
1) The Godfather movies
2) The Lord of the Rings
3) Apocalypse Now (before Redux)
4) JFK
5) Close Encounters of the Third Kind
6) Trespass (Hardcore Director’s 4 1/2 hour cut)
7) Finding Nemo

7 things that I say most often:
1) f*ck
2) huh
3) dude
4) ohmigawd
5) shit
6) come on, let’s go
7) whatever

7 things that attract me to the opposite sex (for argument’s sake, I’m going to pretend “opposite” means “same”):
1) the way his butt looks in a pair of jeans
2) his eyes
3) his smile
4) Is he a dad? Does his son look like him? How old is his son?
5) brawn
6) vulnerability
7) his laugh

7 celebrity crushes:
1) Brad Pitt
2) Jesse Metcalfe
3) Andy Roddick
4) David Beckham
5) Dean Phoenix
6) Raoul Bova
7) Tom Brady, again, and again


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